Convention 2012

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5:46 PM


Stampin' Up! Deliver again!

Just back from our annual Stampin’ Up!  Convention held in lovely Canberra. My bags are mostly unpacked  What an awesome few days we had. We got sneak peeks of some the new products that'll be included in the catalogues in a few months, as well as fabulous and inspirational 'Workshop Wows' from fellow demonstrators. There were make & takes and a first time offered Iam Class which gave us a chance to hang out with friends and fellow demonstrators.  The best part for me is Shopping at Memo Hall – Lots of goodies for everyone.

As always, it was a pleasure to be in the company of Shelli Gardner and the other fabulous Stampin' Up! team members who flew in from the US. Our convention experience finished on Saturday night with a Dinner & Awards night. I only wish I could have stayed for the presentations but I had to come home to sort out some issues with the house we are building.

I had the best time with my roomies ( Newest BFF'S ) Louise & Michelle.
Can't wait to do it all again next year in Brisbane from the 23rd - 25th May

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2 comments on "Convention 2012"
  1. I will be joining you in Brisbane!

  2. Wish I was there looks like you guys had heaps of fun
